About Me

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Born in Canada, love that land, and landed in the USA as a young bride. Turned gypsy for a time travelling this land in our hippie mobile VW van, young and free. Soon mother to be , until seven children later and six grandchildren here I be, blessed by them all.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Domestic Violence effects Brain Developement

We have been touching upon the effects of toxic stress in young children . This video opens our eyes to how violence in the home effects young children starting from the youngest child, especially infants, on up.The video informs us that children in crisis can not learn, and that the human brain is a mirror reflecting the child's developmental experiences. However ,the beauty of our brains is that they can heal .Take a moment and immerse yourself in this experience;

How do you think we can help children who come to our classrooms who have been effected by domestic violence? How can we help heal their brains?

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting topic, and, unfortunately, it affects way too many children that come into our classrooms. I hope it's not too simplistic to encourage teachers who have children who have witnessed domestic violence, to form relationships with those students and monitor for any changes in behavior. It is important to nurture these victims and hope that the teacher is able to help the healing process.
